Tuesday, October 12, 2010


"USEFUL BAGS, AND HOW TO MAKE THEM" is an article from the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT NO. 561, NEW YORK, OCTOBER 2, 1886. Written in, well, an 1886 flowery kind of style. Very cool. I think it may be of help to us while making Dr. Henry Killinger's Magic Murder Bag (basically a doctor's bag) for Halloween.

a quote from the article regarding the selection of materials:
"... has a good appearance for some time, but, like all articles of imitation, it has only cheapness to recommend it..."

it's a good thing we got authentic naugahyde to make our bag!

we still have several props and costumes to finish, in addition to the bag. finished items will get posted soon!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Making Mole

a week or so ago betty laid open her women's day magazine to this chicken mole recipe ('kid friendly', quick). i wasn't too inspired to make it (plus we didn't have any almond butter in the house). then i was looking around at rick bayless recipes (which the above is based on) and found the one he made for obama at the white house, Oaxacan Black Mole. My mole is a modification of the latter.

green tomato and tomatillo puree cooks down

Clockwise from upper left: grated semi-sweet chocolate, mix of dried and fresh chilies puree, paste of pecans, peanuts and tahini, puree of banana, onion, garlic, dark toasted bread and spices.

the purees are cooked together in succession and start the hour simmer (not black! a lovely fall red/orange)

we'll see how this turns out later today...

Peach Cobbler

The next day after B and I processed that big box of peaches we ended up getting more in the CSA!