Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dried Tomatoes

What to do with tons of ripe tomatoes...?

I had planned to sun-dry them in my car (on a clean window screen), but the weather turned cloudy and cold. So here they are in the oven at the lowest setting (170ºF)

After 24-30 hours!


  1. That looks so delicious!! How will you use them now that they are dried? Looking forward to hearing more about this one.

  2. tonight i put some on a pizza, that was pretty good. i'll probably do a spinach salad like one i remember you making (love it). for storage they are packed into ziplocks in the freezer, and i think i'll be drying another batch next week. please give me some recipe suggestions!

  3. oh, yum. pizza sounds good. I would probably use the Jacque Pepin cream of tomato soup recipe for inspiration and then WW'er it up.

    Also, I love sundried tomatoes whirled and then whirled again with a little tofutti. not sure if that's more WW than cream cheese, and if it's not, how about just a little olive oil? and then spread it on bread, pasta, squash or potato? I've been eating a lot of tomatoes lately, and the new BLT = Basil Lettuce and Tomato. Wish I could help you eat up the fresh ones, too!
