Sunday, June 10, 2012

Missing Home

Sunday morning at the old Residence Inn, laundry's done, called Japan, had breakfast. I want to be back home, sad I'm missing out on the summer sci-fi/anime marathons with the guys.

I do watch Shippuden every weekend, via FaceTime which is pretty cool.


J&L always re-watch the B5 series, which got me thinking and wandering the web. Here are some favorite shots from the series, via Do Not Thump the Book of G'quan and the League of Non-Aligned Blogs.


And here's Candy Wife from The Misadventures of Flapjack, just because... Maybe someday we'll figure out what her head is made of. I imagine it like marzipan.


1 comment:

  1. we can hardly wait until you come home! maybe I'll make a candy wife for you... I think it is dried butter cream frosting.
