Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Sugoi, I have arrived. Typhoon passing close by, rainy and surprisingly cool. Fighting jet lag but otherwise very well.


From yesterday (below), the arrival of a VIP to Vancouver from Tokyo. Mom looked at her picture and said it looks like someone from the emperor's family.


Must stay awake a few more hours...


UPDATE: The woman in blue is Princess Takamado, in Canada for a BirdLife International event, probably among other things.



  1. How cool that your mom could ID the VIP! I love that she is dressed in a "jackie O-ish" suit. Glad that you've arrived safely and just LOVE the picture of you and your mom. Looks like JOY.

  2. oh wait... is that the airline employee in the blue suit?

  3. you two have the same smile!
