Saturday, April 21, 2012

Listen to the radio or sing to yourself

I am reviewing the Utah Driver Handbook to prepare for the licensing test. The book is written in such a nice and practical way in places, I appreciate the style. Maybe they're all written like this, I haven't looked at one since I last took a written test, age 16? Here are some excerpts:


Do Not Insist on the Right-of-Way - Don’t let getting onto the freeway be a battle to the death. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Do Not Drive So Slowly That You Block Traffic- Slow driving is not always safe driving. If your speed is so slow that cars are piling up behind your car, you are unsafe, discourteous, and breaking the law.

Night Driving - When you drive at night, you are in an entirely new environment.

Mental and emotional conditions are just as important as physical health concerns. If your mind is not on your driving, you are probably not driving safely... If you are worried about something, do something that will allow you to concentrate on your driving. Listen to the radio or sing to yourself. If you are angry or excited, give yourself time to cool off. Take a walk or talk to a friend.

In recent years, drugs have become a problem with many drivers on the roads. The "drug addict" is not the only person causing a problem. Most of the drugs for headaches, colds, hay fever, allergies, or nerves can make you sleepy and affect your control of the vehicle.


  1. When i read the title of your post, the donna summers song popped into my head. You know...whaoooooo, on the radio.... Must go to youtube and here it now.

    And that is a lovely little book of advice you have there.

  2. Can you talk to a friend on your cell phone while you drive? I'm so glad you are now a registered UTAH resident! Congratulations on passing your exam! And hurry back home...we miss you.
