Friday, July 5, 2013


We made a brief trip to the Motomachi shopping street today. It mostly seemed the same to me as the last time I visited seven years ago.

Motomachi front gate
swapped sunglasses
Today (Saturday) they closed the street to cars, at Noon.
Union grocery, this place has been completely remodeled, very nice
Searching for taberu togarashi
Kreis reminds me of Betty. I just now noticed the "Ukulele Melody" coffee on the left...
Grape, unique clothing store, love it
For Betty
Our favorite cafe here, Cafe La Mille, for tea and a small lunch.
Lovely space
we took a window seat today
brewed tea
The barista at his bar, reminds me of Brewster in Animal Crossing...
I like that the portion size is reasonable


1 comment:

  1. tomorrow land! and Kreis coffee!! best coffee outside of Japan!
